Data Protection and CCTV

The use of CCTV systems has greatly expanded in recent years. So has the sophistication of such systems. Systems now on the market have the capacity to recognise faces. They may also be capable of recording both images and sounds.
The expanded use of CCTV systems has society-wide implications. Unless such systems are used with proper care and consideration, they can give rise to concern that the individual's "private space" is being unreasonably invaded.
Recognisable images captured by CCTV systems are personal data. They are therefore subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Acts. A data controller needs to be able to justify the obtaining and use of personal data by means of a CCTV system. A system used to control the perimeter of a building for security purposes will usually be easy to justify. The use of CCTV systems in other circumstances - for example, to constantly monitor employees, customers or students - can be more difficult to justify and could involve a breach of the Data Protection Acts
With GDPR coming in to effect on 25th May 2018, CCTV signage will need to display additional information for captured data. has two new signs in stock, just in time for you to display to your visitors!